
news/20070328/experimental-support-for-ar5008-802-11n – MadWifi – Trac

We have added a new branch (branches/madwifi-hal- that introduces experimental support for the 802.11n chipset family AR5008. That’s the chipset family used in recent models of the Apple MacBook Pro, for example.

The new HAL is not ready for production use yet, which is the reason for keeping it in a separate branch. Nevertheless interested parties should try and report back about the results. Obvious bugs should be reported back by filing a new ticket that has version set appropriately. General feedback on that branch should be directed to the madwifi-devel mailing list instead.

「madwifiのhal v0.9.30.10で802.11nチップセットファミリーでMacBook Proなどで利用されているAR5008への試験的サポートを導入する新しい枝を追加」な感じ。


noch について

カテゴリー: 802.11n, 無線LAN パーマリンク

